17 Oct 2023

Increasing Environmental Awareness, MNC Bank Plants 1,000 Tree Seedlings in Srengseng City Forest

Jakarta – Increasing environmental awareness, PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (BABP) or MNC Bank, a subsidiary of PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (BCAP) which is under the auspices of the MNC Group (BHIT) together with MNC Peduli is holding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities planting 1,000 tree seedlings in the Srengseng City Forest, West Jakarta. The symbolic planting of tree seedlings was carried out directly by the Deputy President Director of MNC Bank, Denny Setiawan Hanubrata and accompanied by representatives of the DKI Jakarta City Parks and Forest Service, MNC Peduli and environmental care communities.

In this activity, Denny said that planting trees is an effective way to improve air quality and support environmental sustainability in DKI Jakarta. "As a company committed to implementing sustainability principles that provide long-term benefits, MNC Bank has a social responsibility to contribute to overcoming environmental problems, especially the problem of air pollution. As the nation's capital city, Jakarta has an area of green open space that is still not ideal. This "This is certainly a challenge for all of us to continue to strive to increase the amount of green open space in Jakarta," said Denny.

In this CSR activity, the tree seeds planted consisted of various types, including Mango, Acacia, Tabebuya, Salam, Aloe Vera and Durian trees. This CSR activity is a concrete example of MNC Bank and MNC Peduli's commitment to supporting sustainability and a cleaner environment. Apart from the Srengseng City Forest, the seedlings are also planned to be distributed to a number of other City Forest locations under the auspices of the DKI Jakarta City Parks and Forest Service.

MNC Bank also collaborates with MNC Peduli as a social foundation under the auspices of the MNC Group which operates in the fields of social, humanitarian and religious care. Through collaboration, it is hoped that it can increase the effectiveness of the distribution of CSR assistance provided.

This activity also involves a number of volunteers who are actively involved in planting and caring for trees, as well as providing education to the public about the importance of protecting the environment.

"We hope that through this CSR activity we can also inspire society, including communities, and other companies to take similar actions. Hopefully this activity can be useful for all of us," concluded Denny.