20 Dec 2023

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo together with MNC Peduli Commemorate Mother's Day with H

Surabaya – Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Angela Tanoesoedibjo together with MNC Peduli invited hundreds of mothers in the Arek Unity of Indonesia Village located in Kenjeran District, Surabaya to commemorate Mother's Day together on Wednesday (20/12/2023).

A total of 250 mothers were invited to undergo health checks, where each mother has an important role in maintaining the continuity of the family so it is very important to stay informed and maintain health conditions.

In this activity, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Angela Tanoesoedibjo, also held stunting prevention counseling with Dr. Dian Fitriana.

The participants were given an understanding and knowledge of the importance of a mother's role in educating and producing a healthy and intelligent generation to create a golden Indonesia 2045. Apart from that, they were also given an understanding of stunting and how to prevent it through nutritious food for the family.

Chicken egg packages were also provided to participants as additional animal protein intake which is good for preventing stunting.